
Conjectural Science and Reincarnation

So, ‘reincarnations’ are authentic, though not realistic. They are – as just mentioned above – classical ‘déjà vu’s’! They are unconscious, dreamy, though not completely true, nor are they authenticated in clear, let alone scientific, language (there is so a ‘jamais raconté’ which has to be told urgently). They are genuine appearances, signifiers1, though they are not real incidences.

Read more: Conjectural Science and Reincarnation

Conjecture, God and Descartes

So, says Lacan, Descartes conceals his adherence to a God in his statement: “I think, ergo, I am”. He conceals, what he should actually be saying: “I think / I am, because God exists.” Hidden behind the ‘ergo’, and unfair for a scientist, there is a God. People tend to say: God, God, God, thereby creating for themselves an alibi, vindication for their statements.

Read more: Conjecture, God and Descartes

Spiritual Elixir

Kirpal Singh didn’t drive a car during the rush hours or in traffic jams, and he had no need to command any wireless networked computer. He had not to cultivate any friendships at a social level, nor to discuss politics. He was able to live in a wonderful and yet, quite original nature. In Indian terms he could be regarded as being rich, having three houses, a chauffeur, a cook and civil servants.

Read more: Spiritual Elixir

On Sant Mat Theories

Further aspects of Sant Mat theories1, as Sawan Singh’s and Kirpal Singh’s ‘spiritual’ road is also called, consist – as just mentioned - of several rules concerning nutrition and behavior, which often had extremely ascetic features (vegetarian diet, sexual abstinence). Indians love the direct, general and practically oriented implementations of simplest asceticism.

Read more: On Sant Mat Theories

Individual Assignment

Each individual is called upon to find their own significance; every individual’s life has an ‘assignment’. Entire yoga, and entire psychoanalysis, both only represent support, company on the way there, but not more.

Read more: Individual Assignment

Gute Leute sind gut, weil sie zu Weisheit durch Versagen gekommen sind.

William Saroyan

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