
Repression and Transference

These 'names': Jotnirenyen, Onkar, Rarankar, Sohang and Sat Naam are Sanskrit words, and in saying that they are ‘loaded’ with a type of force is again, of course, a mystical way of expression. Psychoanalytically we are again impelled to speak of transference, instead of ‘load’.

Read more: Repression and Transference

Symbolic Phallus

Lacan's theory of the 'symbolic phallus' supplies us with bridgework.1 While the slash or fractional stroke (between the SHINES / SPEAKS in Surat Shabd Yoga) depicts upright concentration, establishment and attention in meditation going beyond these complexes etc., it stands for the interpretation of an erecting and attention-grasping analytic Eros in psychotherapy.

Read more: Symbolic Phallus

Shines, Speaks and chit, vriti

This usage positions us to make a direct connection to modern western sciences, such as psychoanalysis and others more. In concern to the principles of Patanjali Yoga mentioned above, ‘chit’ would be best translated as: SHINES, and ‘vriti’ as SPEAKS. ‘Vriti’ arises from the root “vrt” and means: to exist, but also to transform, to change.

Read more: Shines, Speaks and chit, vriti

First Touch with Formula Words

As indicated several times, we do not need absolutely the ‘astral-mental’ levels of yoga for a psychic perfection. It would constitute a mystic detour in the form of a possible psychotic reaction (or a ‘guided’ psychosis).

Read more: First Touch with Formula Words

Mūlādhāra and Sūkshma

Freud’s devotee C.G. Jung attempted to express these relations in classic academic (indologist) language. He stated, that people in the West organize their culture in the highest head chakra1, but actually, and mostly subconsciously, experience it from the lowest chakra (Mūlādhāra)2. But this is only a personal, individual aspect (Stūhla), while Indians live from the topmost chakra downwards, though governed by the universal (godly) Sūkshma aspect.

Read more: Mūlādhāra and Sūkshma

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