Profit in Social Games I

In social games, people play because they hope to gain something. The gain is called “profit”. However, the profit in social games is not money but something intangible. Profits in social games can include:

• Proof (validation) of one’s own status or beliefs

• The ability to exchange one role for another

• The ability to hurt others out of revenge or as punishment

• Trading stamps within the current social game

What are trading stamps?

Trading stamps are non-genuine feelings that accumulate in exchange for a big reward later. Trading stamps can be acts of sadness, guilt, anger or betrayal. Instead of attempting to reciprocate these emotions immediately in small acts of revenge or anger, the person saves up the “trading stamps”. Trading stamps are individual experiences that collectively are used to justify a big act for which the person actively chooses not to act until they have sufficient reasons or points. The person uses trading stamps toward a racket or major reason. They then use the trading stamps as an excuse when they trade it in for a free milestone according to their life script.

Examples of trading stamps used for a free milestone within a social game

• One spouse quietly endures criticism and abuse until blowing up, causing damage to the home or violently attacking another.

• The person collecting low self esteem or “gray stamps” of verbal abuse or being treated like a child may also save them up for a great escape such as running home to a biological parent’s house. While this escape feels good for a time being, without therapy, the person eventually returns home to repeat the cycle.

• A young woman silently accepts verbal abuse and demeaning treatment until she attempts suicide. Women disproportionately use suicide attempts as a cry for help to others or punish their abusers.

(To be continued)

Letztendlich ist es so, dass, wenn ich es geschaftt habe, Sie es auch schaffen können. Ich wurde ohne den Vorteilen höherer Bildung oder einem Cent an Eigenkapital reich, aber machte auf dem ganzen Weg dorthin Fehler. Ich war arm ... dann ein Hippie-Aussteiger auf Stütze, dann hauste ich in einem heruntergekommenen Zimmer ohne dem sprichwörtlichen Urintopf, ohne genügend Geld die Miete zu bezahlen, ahnungslos was als Nächstes zu tun sei ... und wurde reich.

Felix Dennis

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