The Universe: Sum of all Signifiers?

We have here another indication as to why a biography from the perspectives of western psychology, history and science is not necessarily appropriate in describing the life of an Indian saint, on the one hand. But, on the other, there is a special incentive in it, namely in writing a biography in a different manner than is usual. Subsequently, the task encompasses not only narrating on the pure biographic of daily data, but rather even taking into consideration such things as the references of events to areas of his teachings, to the development of theories in general, or to western science, such as to psychoanalysis.

Even the term ‘soul’ seems to us to be much too soft and imprecise. It is the imagination stemming from respiration that allows the ‘soul’ to escape as if it were a divine bird or a ‘pneuma’. Breathing stops, so the soul’s spiritual essence must have gone somewhere? Whereto? And, what does respiration have to do with the soul? Nowadays, we attempt to express such phenomena in a completely different manner – which not at all means: better.

In our minds, the soul has nothing to do with breath. We rather attempt to think of the soul in terms of science, instead of indulging in dramatic experiences and their effects. For us; the soul equals the unconscious (whatever that means – for the time being).1 In any case, it is not identical to the conscious. Our descriptive language is so overly sophisticated that we say for instance: the universe is the sum of all signifiers2.

After all, all of these terms, such as ‘soul’ or ‘abscond’ or ‘death’ produce an entire universe of symbols, and they are questionable for as long as it takes to arrive at some kind of more or less scientific statement. First of all ‘death’, ‘light’, ‘soul’, ‘woman’ or ‘man’ represent signifiers, meaning terms that are not immediately nor singly unequivocal in themselves, but are such that are knotted in themselves, semi-covered, almost obscure, though they are ever so meaningful expressions.

We seem to constantly be speaking a little too bloomy, or too imprecise. In part, speaking always consist of lies, phrases and exaggerations. Were we able to continuously express ourselves in a clear combination of signifiers, in an orderly combination of the SHINES / SPEAKS, any communication would be a revelation of the soul and each revelation mental communication.


1 Of course, this also concerns unconscious feelings and thoughts, but nowadays, the seemingly fathomless spirit is regarded as being equal to the unconscious, together with unconsciously effective feelings and thoughts.

2 In opposition to signification, pure denotation, or denotation as a mark, we find the significant to be a mark f r o m someone, a mark made by a subject, the absolutely underlying and operating knot of significance.

Geld ist eines der wichtigsten Themen Ihres gesamten Lebens. Einige der größten Momente des Lebensglücks und viele der größten Enttäuschungen entspringen Ihren Geldentscheidungen. Ob Sie ruhigen Gemütes oder von ständigen Ängsten begleitet sind, hängt davon ab, ob Sie Ihre Finanzen in Ordnung bringen.
Robert G. Allen

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