Constant Adult - Ego I

This is where an avid Star trek buff has an advantage. When trying to visualize the Constant Adult-Ego then you just need to picture Mr Spock. He is the quintessential Constant Adult-Ego. Some with this sort of personality spends the majority of his time in the Adult-Ego state, with only brief excursions into the Child or the Parent.

Somebody with Asperger’s Syndrome or Highly Functional Autism may present with the appearance of a Constant Adult-Ego and it would require careful diagnosis to determine whether these are just personality traits or an actual disorder.

Both of those conditions are much more difficult to treat because they seem to be related to physical conditions rather than depend on just beliefs and attitudes, whereas a Constant Adult-Ego can be treated with conventional therapy if his behaviour is problematic.

This type of person is basically a very well-intentioned person and they often perform their work extremely well and efficiently. They are best in an environment in which the major requirement is logical ability. They are often not that good at jobs requiring a great deal of empathy.

Because of the overwhelming presence of banal characteristics, the type of Parent or Child they may display with in addition can create a disproportionate impression. A typical prima donna computer boffin would combine strong aspects of the Constant Adult-Ego with a large dash of Adapted Child. The admixture of these other ego states can play a large part in determining how successful they are as parents and at forming relationships.

The people that I have met who were like this have mostly been men, although I have met a few women (math professors). These characteristics seem to fit more easily into a male pattern of thinking, because of the emphasis on logic and reduction in emotion.
