Constant Adult - Ego II

If you are managing someone like this he may be brilliant at his job and it may be worth finding some accommodation for more negative characteristics. This is definitely somebody you might need to structure a job around to use his strengths and minimize his weaknesses.

If you’re lucky the characteristics may not be so overwhelming and he may be suitable for more general employment, and may well produce a good performance.

If this is you, then you might try an egogram to see what your primary characteristics are and whether you might need to change. An egogram would look at the amount of time you spend in each ego state and once this has been determined you can determine whether your personality will be likely to hold your career back or not.

Of course, trying to use an egogram to predict performance is a bit like calling in the astrologers. It may be good at determining your ego type but this does not meant that it will also do a good job of predicting your performance. It might at best give an indication, but there are too many factors involved.

The best determinant of whether there is a problem is if it interferes with work performance and how the person himself feels.

A strong dash of Constant Adult-Ego coupled with other more likeable Natural Child and Nurturing Parent characteristics can result in a very likeable and effective person. Mr Spock is depicted as having good work performance and coping reasonably well with other people. But he does have more mature characteristics as well as the Constant Adult. It might amuse you try to decide on his egogram based on what you have seen of the Star Trek movies.

like anybody else, some body with a Constant Adult-Ego type can be highly successful or a failure or somewhere in between. the actual mix of characters would help determine this., but most people with this ego type enjoy the full gamut of human experience. A more balanced mixture of "good" ego types would be preferred but  we are who we are.

(continued from part I)