Ego Fortification and Stabilization, Questions II

The key to diagnosing and redirecting this script in a positive direction occurs in the context of genuine relationship and contact. This healing relationship often takes place through the medium of therapist and client, or counselor and counselee.

Through a process of Inquiry, Attunement, and Involvement, the defense mechanisms built on ingrained beliefs, thoughts, and feeling from the past can be broken down, and a strategy for living in the present moment in meaningful relationships can be established.

Through careful and sensitive guidance, the individual can explore how the unhealthy expressions of both the Child and Parent Ego states are sabotaging Adult Ego needs and experiences in the present. This process of exploration and discovery are initiated through the strategy of Inquiry.

The goal of Inquiry is asking the right questions that will unlock the "life script" patterns and behaviors, the Parent and Child Ego state expressions, and beliefs underlying the Life Position.

In the Inquiry process, asking the right questions involves asking questions that communicate openness to understanding the unique viewpoint of the client, and will allow the client to discover his or her sense of identity in the safety of empathic relationship with the therapist. Inquiry involves attunement that communicates sensitivity to the client's needs and feelings.

This empathic inquiry allows the client to uncover, explore and experience the psychic conflict between the Critical Parent Ego state within, and the Adapted or Free Child. This uncovering of the psychic tensions within will hopefully allow the client to understand the behaviors, patterns, and defense mechanisms of his or her life script, and then begin to construct a healthier and more vibrant Adult Ego state.

How can you mend a broken heart? By engaging in empathic relationships that create a safe place while old walls are being torn down, and new pillars of identity and patterns of healthy thinking, feeling, and relating are being tested.

(continued from part I)