Distinguishing Culture, Values, Beliefs and Attitudes

Some people may interchangeably use words like culture, values, beliefs and attitudes. Some might say that they are just the same. But let us define each term and find out what is the difference between each term. Values is subjective in some ways wherein it may differ from one culture to another.

It refers to how we treat somebody or something.

Attitude is the way a person views something and how he behaves towards it, often in an evaluative way.It may also refer to the manner, disposition or feeling with regard to a person or thing. Values and attitude are two inter-related terms. Beliefs, on the other hand, refers to the acceptance of an assumed or suspected facts as true or right without positive knowledge or proof. There are a thousands of beliefs in the whole world and even the number increases all the more up to now.

Culture is the total of the inherited ideas, values, beliefs and knowledge which comprise the shared bases of the action of the society. It is also the attitudes, behavior and feelings which characterize the society as a whole or as a group.

As we can see, culture comprises the other terms that we have defined above. But as fact is telling us, culture vary from one certain group to another. Let us say for example, beliefs. Human beliefs may include religious beliefs and even old maiden beliefs. In our generation today, many religious groups exist and each group differ from each other. Sometimes this religion differences creates conflicts from each other which end up in doing disrespectful actions towards human beings. That is why, we have to understand that one group is somehow different from the other.

One group may believe that this thing is right while to the other it is wrong. But this fact is debated until now because there are beliefs and practices that is not acceptable for most of the certain groups being performed by another certain group.

Attitude may also vary from one group to the other. Let us take for example, the Filipino culture and the Japanese culture in terms of dine invitation. Filipinos are known to be hospitable in the sense of accommodating visitors. Their way of entertaining visitors is by accommodating them for free from their food and lodging. The Japanese, on the other hand, are known to be workaholic and very committed for their work. In terms of dine invitation like birthdays, they invite people but the difference is that you pay for what you eat.

They do the invitation but you, as the invited one will be the one to pay for your food.
Thus, it is very important to learn not only our own culture but as well as the other cultures. Understanding culture in a broader sense may help the individuals to relate with other group and develop a good relationship with them, not offending one another. Remember,  individual differences is not a hindrance to relate with one another.