Shines and Speaks - Two Signifiers

SHINES and SPEAKS are only two signifiers, between which we establish ourselves through psychoanalysis or through yoga (or through a resurrection of both) in order to become truly conscious of our subject structure, and can actually think love.1 The western individual is no longer sufficient nowadays (Stūhla aspect), but the Indian subject remains far too adhered to his ‘spirituality’.

We need to travel the path to the supra-regional subject (SPEAKS) and to the super-eros (SHINES, Sūkshma aspect), a collective to whom we are ‘subject’ to, mandated to.

Freud speaks of „erection of the object“ – but only in connection with melancholy.2 However, the idea of the (psychoanalytical) object can absolutely be used for the erection in the way I describe it with a slash, upstroke here. Then it doesn’t happen to be an psychic object, an object of desire, maternal object, but an ‘ideal object’, or expressed in a different way: a ‘female object’ (as opposed to phallus3).


1 Contained therein is Lacan’s central statement, that: „…a signifier stands for the subject of another signifier…”. We need to post ourselves between both of the signifiers, in order to really become a subject (also subject of the unconscious). That would establish ‘absolute subjectivity’, which is the concern in Surat Shabd Yoga as well as in psychoanalysis. After all, in contrast to all other ideologies, creeds and points of view as well as to natural science and the Arts, the concern here is the place “where the human subject can comprehend nothing more than pure subjectivity (SHINES), which produces an absolute ‘other’ (SPEAKS)” (Lacan, J., Schriften 1, page 18), and is relinquished to it. This is very well described by a Jewish joke about to train travellers: “What a liar you are when you say, you’re going to Krakow, while you want me to believe you’re going to Lemberg. But I know that you’re actually going to Krakow. So, why are you lying?” On the other side: to think love really one must have understood that it deals always with eroticism, that’s why the idea of the “symbolic phallus”.

2 Freud, S., GW XIII, p. 257. This refers to the melancholy individual’s overly fixation to the ‚motherly’ object, and subsequently is no longer capable to mentally position other exterior objects.

3 As just mentioned, Phallus here means a transcendent organ, a symbolic one, a symbol of pleasure. The problem with males and females and their different views concerning gender and sex (since direct attributes don’t exist) will be discussed later by describing Indian psychoanalysts. Interestingly enough, ‘sex’ is understood by both Freud and in yoga as being male, i.e. sex is only spoken of in its symbolic context. Neither did the ancient Greeks have a word for sex, because they refrained from putting too much stress on biology and didn’t want to regard love and sex as being separate.


Anmerkung der Redaktion: Dieser Artikel stammt aus einer Beitragsreihe zum Thema: Analytische Psychocatharsis.