Persönliches Wachstum

Win - Win

Win-Win (Gewinner-Gewinner) bedeutet, beiderlei Seiten, in diesem Sachverhalt die Gesprächspartner, gewinnen. Eine Gesprächsführung, die eine Win-Win-konstellation ermöglicht, ist vornehmlich eine Aufgabe, der sich eine Manager stellen sollte. Sie erfordert eine bestimmte Contenance und eine bestimmte Handlungsweise:

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Menschen befinden sich fortlaufend in einem mitteilsamen Zustand. Verständigung ist durchgängig, konstant und alltäglich. Es gibt keine nicht-Verständigung. Dies wird speziell unübersehbar sobald Verständigung behindert ist. Verständigung ist mehr als ausschließlich der Austausch von Informationen.

Read more: Kommunikationsmodell

Management Style and Parent - Ego II

On the other hand, the Nurturing Parent Ego as manager or leader tends to be much more positive, and even indulgent. Employees and team members receive more positive "strokes" and feedback, although decision-making and power to define projects and guidelines will probably still be highly centralized.

Read more: Management Style and Parent - Ego II

Life Scripts II

 It is particularly important to recognize and reward initiative and achievement, even if it turns out badly or the results are not perfect, otherwise the person may feel that nothing they do is ever good enough and they may become totally discouraged from trying to improve.

Read more: Life Scripts II

Adult - Ego Structure, Channeling I

"Joan always seems to know just what to do in a crisis. She never seems rattled. I wish I knew her secret!" Perhaps at some point Joan got tire of hearing people tell her to, "Grow up", and did it. The reason her attitude and behavior seem so appealing and calming to others is she achieved what Transactional Analysis calls the Adult Ego Structure.

Read more: Adult - Ego Structure, Channeling I

Role and Power Culture I

Time structuring is the systematic process of allocating different periods of time to different tasks that one may be under taking. Indeed, time structuring is majorly dependent on the priority that has been placed on the particular tasks and also the amount of time that is available to execute the concerned activities.

Read more: Role and Power Culture I

Financial Steadiness III

Fundamental Necessities Overburden
Elementary living requirements are no longer base. Can you ideate the years when you didn't have cellular telephones, basic cable television service, Net instrumentations, or software system upgrades? Nowadays, can you ideate yet operating in your line of work or home life without some of these accommodations?

Read more: Financial Steadiness III

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.

Albert Einstein

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