Child - Ego, Diffusion II

The child is now an adult with a growing and healthy integrated Adult Ego structure. Yet when invited for an outing on a yacht he or she expresses intense feelings of impending doom about this particular outing. They speak and act as if the possible dangers are a pressing reality, when they actually may be nothing more than very strong emotions, given the facts of a calm and favorable weather report, the experience of those charged with piloting the yacht, and the documented soundness and seaworthiness of the craft itself.

The intense emotions from previous Child Ego introjections and dramas have become a source of impurification and contamination for the present Adult Ego state. Lingering or unresolved strands of identity diffusion may also contaminate the Adult Ego state. Perhaps the purpose of the yachting trip was to cement a relationship or even propose to a prospective spouse. Yet the relationship has been marked by indecision, second-guessing, and break-ups.

An apparently growing and maturing individual may find themselves asking, "Why is it so hard for me to make decisions? Why do I find it so difficult to be committed to anyone or anything?" Although the person may indeed be developing a healthy and integrated Adult Ego structure, they may not have yet arrived at full identity achievement, and may still be struggling with issues of identity diffusion.

In summary, we may say the Adult Ego structure is never fully realized, or never a final destination, but always in process. It is always a journey being traveled and explored. The voices and feelings and remnants of the Child Ego may pop up his or her sunny or sullen disposition at the strangest times. The indecisive defensiveness of, "Whatever", may escape our lips before we even realize what we said.

The Adult Ego structure is not a pure river of unsullied wisdom and maturity. It is rather, an intriguing stream of life, with curious currents of childish laughter bubbling up from its waters, and stagnant backwaters of indecisiveness sometimes lurking behind its bends.

(continued from part I)

Glück liegt in der Freude über gelungene Taten und in dem Wonneschauer kreativen Bemühens.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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