Profit in Social Games II

...demeaning treatment until she attempts suicide. Women disproportionately use suicide attempts as a cry for help to others or punish their abusers. This is why women make over 2/3 of suicide attempts but succeed at a far lower rate than men.

When men try to end their lives, it is typically to end an extreme emotional pain. For women, it is more likely to be an end to a life script that ends with significant outpouring of love, support, concern or upsetting those who were treating them like a child.

• One partner tolerates the fights, screaming or subtle disrespect of another spouse with calm patience before using it to justify an extra-marital affair.

• One partner allows a week of abuse or neglect to justify going out partying and getting drunk without consideration for the consequences. The week of suffering justifies the drunken binge.

• One person makes another angry repeatedly in an effort to show that they are superior. Collecting “anger” is called collecting red stamps. The other person remains non-violent until a threshold is reached and then uses the collective set of acts to justify violent retaliation.

• A rescuer saves an alcoholic multiple times, whether driving them home or bailing them out from jail. After several rescues, the rescuer gives themselves permission to angrily blow up at the person they are rescuing while still denying how their enabling permits the alcoholic to remain an alcoholic.


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