Importance of Positive Generalization

Importance of Positive Generalization

On the other hand, we can attempt to build a better working and living environment by extending the broader sense of positive qualities, like saying that people from certain country are good in sports and scientific research, or people with certain educational background are focussed on their work.

If you are member of a group, then having a negative perception of that group can be held against you and it can affect your membership, but developing a positive and constructive general idea will only help you and the group in achieving the objectives and goals of the group.

Positive Cultural Generalization
Culture is defined by behaviors, ideas, values, knowledge and belief characteristics of a group. Generalization based on its broad traits and tendencies can be a good place to understand any culture. It helps you in deciding what to communicate and how to communicate, thus improving your cross cultural communication skills. It helps you to adjust your communication to the right context, helping you in connecting with the person better. However, you need to be careful that you don't make sweeping assumptions in your attempt to analyze the same, since it can lead to gross misunderstandings and bad feelings between the group sometimes. So, what should be our approach if generalization is so risky? One of the better ways to look at it would be to just understand that everyone has their own bias and prejudices, but sometimes positive bias can help you get along nicely or even help in starting a conversation.



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