Information Procurement and Processing

In today's age of information, procuring information is no big deal at all. In fact, we often end up with information overload and have no idea of how to deal with it! Especially if one refers to the internet for information, it is often difficult to filter the information qualitatively. Wikipedia for instance can give you an information overload, however, since it is open to all to edit and update, one is never too sure of the source of information and its validity.

Therefore information sourcing is as important as its procurement. Citations are a must when one wants to refer to internet information. A bibliography is also mandatory for cross referencing the validity of the information.

The age-old library is a more authentic source, although it takes a lot more effort to procure the same amount of referrals than the web. Sometimes, when it is not possible to procure information from a written source, oral history or interviews are a means of procuring information, especially of developing areas of research and innovation, as also in cases where documented information is unavailable such as in the transmission of tradition in indigenous tribal areas and uneducated/illiterate sections of the globe.

Pictorial and photographic documentation accompanied by such media as described above (both written and oral) provide a more complete picture. Sometimes sketches and notes alongside, diary accompaniments, etc are all aids to information procurement. Scrapbooks are also valuable sources of information.
However of what use is information if it is improperly processed or assimilated? Not everybody has the knack to process information, while many may have the knack or know-how to procure it.

Therefore the information can be collected by one person and handed over to a more analytical and logical mind to process it. Or the mind can be trained to assimilate and process information such that it becomes useful to the informed person. An informed person can use information to train and inform other persons, and so on, so that the information is utilised by a wider range of people, thus increasing its utility.

Die Freundschaft, die enden kann, war nie real.

Saint Jerome

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