Analytische Psychokatharsis

The book offers a brief overview of the different types of Yoga and then provides a comparison with the modern science of psychology. Laya Yoga, a comprehensive physical and mental method, seems to be the best pick for such research. Laya Yoga, as it was taught by the late Sant Kirpal Singh (1894-1974) in Sant Mat (Rhadasoami, Ruhani Satsang, India), is widely known as a modern method of meditation in India. There, a yogi is no longer expected to live in the forest, or to subject himself to asceticism. He is rather free to have a normal profession, have a family and children, and is expected to include modern scientific aspects into his teachings. Kirpal Singh's Surat Shabd Yoga (his name for Laya Yoga) is also related to Patanjali's yoga. 'Yoga is chit vritis nirodha', is being in command of 'chit' (the conscious) and 'vritis' (vibrations, transformations), which Kirpal Singh set forth as being equivalent with his 'light' and 'sound' principle in meditation.

We come across such terms and principles in Psychoanalysis, the most significant form of scientific psychology found in the western world today. Especially in French psychoanalyst J. Lacan's version of Freud's drive-structure concept do we find perception drives (drive to perceive, to look) and invocation drives (drive to express, to speak) that function in the unconscious, and which are predominant. Actually, the drive to look is nothing other than 'chit', a kind of primary conscious, an immediate gaze, or better and simply put: an IT SHINES. IT SHINES means that something primarily visual, a primary visual awareness, or primary visibility is constantly at work within and around us. It is at work when images are being produced in dreams as well as in 'light' experiences in meditation, and last but not the least, this is also the most subtle of physical reality.

After all, the conscious is nothing other than a 'reciprocated gaze', a reflection, or a 'primal form' of looking or of perception. In the same way we can substitute 'vritis' with the drive to speak, which is the most substantial form of invocation: the IT SPEAKS. Lacan says: "The unconscious is structured in the same manner a language is...", it behaves like an IT SPEAKS within and around us. A combination of the SHINES and of the SPEAKS actually requires to be taken under command and setting yoga and psychoanalysis into relation with one another supplies us with a simple tool to do just that.

In Surat Shabd Yoga command is taken of the combination of the SHINES and SPEAKS by applying and reverberating mentaly Sanskrit formulations. But for a scientifc method we can use linguistic styled formulations which I call FORMULA-WORDS.

Life after Death

So when Kirpal Singh and the Yogis spoke of life after death, he only expressed himself quite generally (from the aspect of Sûkshma) and imprecisely (from the aspect of Stûhla). As I have yet to demonstrate, it is proper to differentiate the expression ‘life after death’ in two directions.

Read more: Life after Death

The Other's Attention combines with Echo-Discourse

Every riddle, every auspicious event, everything that is in any way an immediate SHINES / SPEAKS is a kind of ‘assignment’. The riddle, which is – as Lacan says – the „summit of sense“, requires a solution. It is straightforward urgency, and pronounces the ‘assignment’ to: „Solve me! “.

Read more: The Other's Attention combines with Echo-Discourse

Transcendental Enjoyment

Surat Shabd Yoga can only be understood if femininity is recognized as an expression of transcendental enjoyment, which manifests itself in nirvikalpi-samadhi in Sach Kand. It is not just any enjoyment, to the contrary, it is an enjoyment of the body as such, and enjoyment at the level of the SHINES, and it finds its destination in a constantly exercised SPEAKS.

Read more: Transcendental Enjoyment


Letztendlich ist es so, dass, wenn ich es geschaftt habe, Sie es auch schaffen können. Ich wurde ohne den Vorteilen höherer Bildung oder einem Cent an Eigenkapital reich, aber machte auf dem ganzen Weg dorthin Fehler. Ich war arm ... dann ein Hippie-Aussteiger auf Stütze, dann hauste ich in einem heruntergekommenen Zimmer ohne dem sprichwörtlichen Urintopf, ohne genügend Geld die Miete zu bezahlen, ahnungslos was als Nächstes zu tun sei ... und wurde reich.

Felix Dennis

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