Analytische Psychokatharsis

The book offers a brief overview of the different types of Yoga and then provides a comparison with the modern science of psychology. Laya Yoga, a comprehensive physical and mental method, seems to be the best pick for such research. Laya Yoga, as it was taught by the late Sant Kirpal Singh (1894-1974) in Sant Mat (Rhadasoami, Ruhani Satsang, India), is widely known as a modern method of meditation in India. There, a yogi is no longer expected to live in the forest, or to subject himself to asceticism. He is rather free to have a normal profession, have a family and children, and is expected to include modern scientific aspects into his teachings. Kirpal Singh's Surat Shabd Yoga (his name for Laya Yoga) is also related to Patanjali's yoga. 'Yoga is chit vritis nirodha', is being in command of 'chit' (the conscious) and 'vritis' (vibrations, transformations), which Kirpal Singh set forth as being equivalent with his 'light' and 'sound' principle in meditation.

We come across such terms and principles in Psychoanalysis, the most significant form of scientific psychology found in the western world today. Especially in French psychoanalyst J. Lacan's version of Freud's drive-structure concept do we find perception drives (drive to perceive, to look) and invocation drives (drive to express, to speak) that function in the unconscious, and which are predominant. Actually, the drive to look is nothing other than 'chit', a kind of primary conscious, an immediate gaze, or better and simply put: an IT SHINES. IT SHINES means that something primarily visual, a primary visual awareness, or primary visibility is constantly at work within and around us. It is at work when images are being produced in dreams as well as in 'light' experiences in meditation, and last but not the least, this is also the most subtle of physical reality.

After all, the conscious is nothing other than a 'reciprocated gaze', a reflection, or a 'primal form' of looking or of perception. In the same way we can substitute 'vritis' with the drive to speak, which is the most substantial form of invocation: the IT SPEAKS. Lacan says: "The unconscious is structured in the same manner a language is...", it behaves like an IT SPEAKS within and around us. A combination of the SHINES and of the SPEAKS actually requires to be taken under command and setting yoga and psychoanalysis into relation with one another supplies us with a simple tool to do just that.

In Surat Shabd Yoga command is taken of the combination of the SHINES and SPEAKS by applying and reverberating mentaly Sanskrit formulations. But for a scientifc method we can use linguistic styled formulations which I call FORMULA-WORDS.

Urgent gaze and imaginary signifier

There is a story about Sawan Singh, which enlightens the process of precognition and with that, the 'urgent, sincere look' or imaginary signifier. (and with that the 'urgent gaze' or imaginary signifier.) In a small round, he once called on his devotees to confess their sins. Some replied.

He turned to a group of women, who hadn't express themselves, though, and said: „You have aborted, why don't you confess it?".

Read more: Urgent gaze and imaginary signifier

Franz of Asissi and Assignment

However, Lane’s work seems to bear two problems. It is only – as he says himself – ‘sociological-political’. The entire area of the ‘mystic-spiritual’ can’t be accommodated in science, and Lane can only attempt to do so (and that, only in an approach) by taking two different standpoints: working scientifically as a sociologist and for the other area (‘spiritual’), just having faith, being religious, or having a creed.

Read more: Franz of Asissi and Assignment

Subjective Luminance

Today, I am able to offer a different answer, one that makes required practice (Analytic Psychocatharsis) easier. It is not a case of levels, higher or lower layers, or of a pixel-to-pixel duplication of the guru’s physical form as is suggested by Sant Mat. Mankind’s world is pre-dominantly one of dual or fore times dimensionality.1

Read more: Subjective Luminance

More on Father Identification

In the end, the yogic concern was actually a kind of conception, if you were to regard ‘unification’ with the guru to be an intensification of his vitality in the follower. As I indicated above, this was highly distinct in the ‘instructions’ given by the teacher. These are given ‘spiritually’ as in contraception and delivery, and were subsequently supposed to continue the development of the master’s work and to mature, just as a child would.

Read more: More on Father Identification

Assignment, Celibacy and Altruism

I have explained that there is a general ‘assignment’ in yoga directed to all followers in the sense of ‘Follow me’. Kirpal Singh accompanied gaze and voice (‘gaze-image’ and voice-rhetoric) of his master, Sawan Singh, for twenty-four years, and there was no difference between inside and out.1

Read more: Assignment, Celibacy and Altruism


In einem Kampf kommt es nicht auf die Größe des Hundes an, sondern auf die Kampfbereitschaft im Hunde.

Mark Twain

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