Subjective Luminance

Today, I am able to offer a different answer, one that makes required practice (Analytic Psychocatharsis) easier. It is not a case of levels, higher or lower layers, or of a pixel-to-pixel duplication of the guru’s physical form as is suggested by Sant Mat. Mankind’s world is pre-dominantly one of dual or fore times dimensionality.1

His world is the world of speaking, writing, drawing and mathematics (of the SPEAKS) etc. For that, you only need a piece of paper or the surface of a stone to scratch on.

On the other hand, there is a realm of ‘subjective luminance’, as indicated with ‘show’, ‘sight’, ‘shines’, ‘draws’, or just, the SHINES. Neither right nor left are absolute, because there is no standpoint from which everything can be viewed in an objective manner. Starting from an atom and moving across all dynamic structures of life, or of the universe, nothing can be reflected in a defined subject-object relationship. It needs to be imagined, held before the inner eye. It needs flattening in an approximation of dual dimensionality.

Otherwise, there is no left or right, just as in a ‘non-amphichiral knot’.2 However, a ‘non-amphichiral knot’ is not absolute, but raised from the subject matter. It’s left or right rotation is a result of it’s intertwinement that has had to have been composed. It needs to be drawn on paper in order to depict its left or right rotation.


1 Lacan, J., Séminaire Nr. XXI, lecture on the 11th of Dec., 1973, hand notes page 32

2 An amphichiralic knot (also called "achiral" in chemistry) is a knot which is like its mirror image; a non-amphichiralic knot cannot be convicted into its own reflection and is an ideal example for the transition into a new dimension.


Anmerkung der Redaktion: Dieser Artikel stammt aus einer Beitragsreihe zum Thema: Analytische Psychocatharsis.